Emergency and critical care.


Only The Best

Our extensive emergency and critical care protocols combined with the love and dedication of our staff members are ready to take on almost anything that life can throw at your pets. We are quick to recognize what can wait for surgery vs what requires us to drop everything we are doing and address the patient’s needs immediately. We run our labwork in house for this reason. We treat just about anything, including toxicities, trauma, seizures, diabetes, bladder stones, splenic masses, bloats, blocked urinary tracts, pancreatitis, anemia, kidney failure, infectious diseases, and many more conditions.

We utilize cutting edge pain management for serious conditions, which at times includes carefully calculated constant rate infusions of combinations of pain medication, as well as regional nerve blocks as needed. We attack pain and discomfort using multimodal approaches because we are always aware that there exist multiple pain receptors and pathways in the body and sometimes one treatment type is not enough. In addition to traditional medication, such as opiates and anti inflamatories, we have medication for nerve related injuries, alternative medications for longer term management, such as cannabis, and therapy lasers.

In addition, we believe that fear and anxiety are a type of pain and readily address this as soon as it is recognized. For cases that are the most complex, we have arrangements with a board certified internal medicine specialist to consult with and have ultrasound performed.

Our doctors will not hesitate to seek further consultation from specialists in other areas, if ever needed.